Thursday, February 10, 2011

These are a few rough sketches of what I was trying to explain about manipulating various images of homes/renderings in Franklinton. I also had an interview with Nick, the owner of Phillip's Coney Island. He is going to scan some original photos of their business and e-mail them to me. Ironically, he told me that some of the most uncredited support for revitalization of Franklinton, during some of it's worst times, was the church's. They offered food, education, clothing, recovery programs for substance abuse, and help finding jobs. Thanks so much, Jessica Biretta and Josh Watson for your enlightenment. I'm not exactly sure how to engage that concept, but it is worth investigating. I'm going to try to set up a meeting with Father Lutz at Holy Family.


  1. I feel like they are not blended enough. They look like 2 different pictures sitting on top of each other you should work on blending them a little better, and maybe use different part of the pictures to blend together so there is an obvious impact being made.

  2. I agree with Deanna in that the difference between the photo and the manipulated part is visible, but I think that works because it shows that part of the photo is not the reality, it's more of a hope or a projection of what COULD be. I definitely like them.
